A new day, a beginning at the end

A new day, a new morning and most importantly a new thought. A fresh sense of being, existing…, moving along the nature, the leaf seemed greener and the light brighter. Now, when I look at the skies there is hope. I feel it, everything that is happening, sometimes even though non-comprehensive, I can feel it … Continue reading A new day, a beginning at the end


Tranquil Gokarna – A median state.

In a situation one fears, should one push over the median state of thought or stay put. How does one perceive this idea? How have I responded? P.S: Please read "Tranquil Gokarna - A beginning", before this.

Tranquil Gokarna!! – A beginning.

An unplanned trip to Gokarna? what could have happened??

People, Emotion and Stories.

My experiences with people as I make images of them and learnings about connections and empathy.